Take a moment to get to know our current InpharmD fellows and what their experiences have been like so far!
Name: Larissa A. Melnyk
Pharmacy School: Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED)
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I’m from Wellington, Ohio. Before attending NEOMED, I completed pre-requisite courses at Lorain County Community College and Cleveland State University. I’m interested in research, writing, technology, personalized precision medicine, pharmacogenomics, and new treatment opportunities.
Do you have a fellowship project? What is it about?
My fellowship project is to perform a systematic review assessing the correlation between XPNPEP2 genetic polymorphisms and ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema during ACE inhibitor therapy.
What factors did you consider when choosing a fellowship program?
I considered the ability of the fellowship to integrate my diverse interests into my daily work, as well as the team I would have, publication and teaching opportunities, and the flexibility to apply my fellowship experiences toward various future career opportunities.
Why did you choose InpharmD’s Fellowship?
My favorite parts of my rotations as a student were addressing drug information questions, creating treatment comparison resources, and teaching other healthcare providers about treatments for various disease states and scenarios. To be part of InpharmD meant that my hard work in these areas would reach more providers and have a larger scale impact toward improving care, as well as allow me to stay updated on the latest evidence.
What does a day in the life of an InpharmD Fellow look like?
Most days, the fellows meet with our supervisor for about an hour to discuss quality improvement opportunities for past drug information questions, drug information resources or interpretations, or clinical subject areas. Some days, we may have a few hours of teaching or working on projects. Every day, we work together extensively to address inquiries and prepare treatment comparison resources for various hospitals.
Any advice for future fellows and applicants?
Remember that interviews are not one-sided!
And lastly, tell us a fun fact!
I love roller derby, cats, video games, shopping, 3D printing and 3D designing, and being a mentor for my exchange students!